VSMS Group provides services related to post matrimonial issues, for example, when you feel that your spouse is having an extra marital relation with any one, It is imperative that you verify the facts and obtain as much as evidence are possible. In the long term this will provide you with peace of mind and will clear your doubts Also, if you were to falsely accuse your partner, it may result in an irretrievable breakdown in your relationship.

We unearth the truth putting forth a much clearer picture enabling you to take the right decision. We are having our own team of Investigators for handling Post Matrimonial Investigations which means that once the case is assigned to us, we can assured you that you will get the exact picture and evidences as committed to you.

Symptoms of Spouse cheating

  • Change in Style during Sexual Activities/ habit.
  • Secretive phone calls and more time spent on the phone.
  • Regular work habits change.
  • Behavior that just doesnt add up.
  • Looks Change.
  • “I need some space to figure out my feelings.”
  • A sudden need for privacy.

If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above in your Partner do not hesitate to consult with us